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There is a requirement that when ever there is a change of occupancy in a residential property or at a maximum of 10 years, an inspection and test of the electrical system should be carried out.

We can arrange this and carry it out at a time to suit yourselves. We are certified to carry out this service and also to supply and sign the associated test certificates.

We can also carrying put portable appliance testing (PAT testing) in electrical equipment that may be supplied by the landlord for the tenants use.

An electrical MOT can save more than money. In 2001, faulty electrical appliances caused 6,000 dwelling fires, 29 deaths and 908 injuries. In fact, some 12,500 fires in UK homes every year are reported to have an electrical origin.*

If you’re a home owner, how safe are your appliances? And what about the wiring? How long since it was checked? Call us on 01543 493341 for advice.

The National Association of Estate Agents advises landlords NOT to avoid the cost of regular electrical checks. If you are an Agent acting for a
landlord in letting property which you know, or reasonably ought to know, has not been checked for electrical safety, you may well be assisting in the committal of a criminal offence.

Landlords and Agents (if they provide the appliances or sign the tenancy
agreement on behalf of their landlord) must comply with theConsumer Protection Act 1987, The Electrical Equipment (Safety) Regulations 1994,
The Plugs and Sockets (Safety) Regulations 1994 and theLandlord and Tenant Act 1985, Section 11.It is an offence to supply electrical equipment that is not safe, which is why the NAEA recommend that an electrical check is carried out before letting and  annually thereafter – in effect an electrical MOT. It is difficult, they say, to see how a landlord could prove that the property was electrically safe without having it tested regularly.

*Sources: Office of the Deputy Prime Minister, the NICEIC and the National Association of Estate Agents.
